Cleantouch presents, another gift for distribution business, especially Medicine Distributors. Feeding of sales and purchase made easy & fast recordable to deal clients as fast as possible with computerized bill printing. Comprehensive sales reports & summaries can be generated by Customer, Item, Salesmen, Area and Date.
Credit receiving transaction can be recorded by bill numbers. Integrated Bonus in Purchase / Sale & Batch wise Expiry & Stock Module will must attract you. Inventory module can be recorded and maintained by Item / Batch wise. Accounting Module of accounts is integrated with inventory module in depth up to Trading Account > Profit & Loss > Balance Sheet.
Main Features:
- Area Master File
- Salesmen Master File
- Accounts Types
- Accounts Master File
- Booker Master File
- Brands Master File
- Item Master File
- Location Master File
- Opening Stock
- Stock Adjustment
- Issue to Salesman
- Return from Salesman
- Purchases
- Purchases Return
- Sales
- Sales Return
- Receipt Voucher
- Payment Voucher
- Journal Voucher